Earlier this year, we wrote about the value of building a community around photo content with Instagram. Since then, a lot has happened, including Instagram's availability on the Android platform and a small chunk of change from a guy named Mark. But the promise of Instagram as a tool for creating a sense community through shared visual experiences remains. Nick DeNardis recently wrote about how his institution, Wayne State University, joined … [Read more...]
Of Content and Code
I am a big fan of imploring content folks to walk across the office and get to know their web developers. The more we understand the complementary disciplines in our field and seek out smart partnerships, the better off our web experiences (and our users) will be. (Our post last year about the relationship between content strategy and web development got at some of these ideas.) But, as with most things, achieving those smart partnerships is … [Read more...]
Don’t Forget the Fundamentals
Last fall, we interviewed some smart people about the future of public relations in higher ed. (This Thursday, one of those people, Andrew Careaga, will discuss the topic further as a guest on Higher Ed Live.) But while much about how we practice public relations and media relations in higher ed keeps evolving at a rapid pace, there are certain fundamentals that remain unchanged. Davina Gould, director of publications and online communications … [Read more...]
A New Content Creation Strategy: More Tanks
The Oatmeal often says things like no one else can, and this latest comic, decrying Facebook likebaiting and other "marketing douchebaggery," is no different. (Though it does remind us of Patrick Powers' insights from last fall about how no matter what changes Facebook throws our way, it's more important than ever to share awesome content.) So go read the comic. And then come back and let us know how you're incorporating cage-fighting nuns … [Read more...]
A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Pins
First, Instagram (which we love). Then, Pinterest (which lots and lots of colleges love). Now, Facebook Timeline (which we're also gobbling right up). The future, apparently, is visual. These image-driven platforms are hotter than hot. But here's the $64,000 question: What's our strategy? Even in 2009, a Harvard Business School study noted that "pictures are the killer app of social networks." All the more reason for us to be more thoughtful … [Read more...]