It's that time of the year again, when the sounds of rolling suitcases, idling car engines, greetings and goodbyes resonate across campus. That's right, for many of us, it's move-in time. In addition to returning students, we've got freshmen and transfer students arriving on campus, wide-eyed and wondering what the next few years will bring. Move-in presents a rich opportunity to create powerful content. There are many stories to be told -- … [Read more...]
Managing Content Workflow for Faculty
You’ve done it! You’ve captured the intricacies and practical applications of Professor Mumblemore’s groundbreaking work on glottochronology (or electrophysiology, or perhaps paleoentomology) in crisp, engaging, easy to comprehend prose (or a minute-thirty of video, if you prefer). Good work! All that’s left is to get his A-OK and we can get this puppy published. Wait… what’s this? Professor Mumblemore returned your piece with notes—lots of … [Read more...]
Higher Ed Rocks Confab: Engaging Content at Indiana University
On the first day of Confab, Indiana University's Erika Knudson and Rebecca Salerno discussed their work creating a content strategy for the Indiana University Alumni Association geared around spurring engagement and building lasting relationships. We interviewed Knudson and Salerno about their effort: Below is our Storify of tweets from the session: [View the story "Creating Emotionally Relevant Content for Higher Education … [Read more...]
Be Interesting, Please
It's fast and easy to create and publish content, right? Maybe, but not if you intend for your content to rise above the onslaught of emails, tweets, blogs posts and ads people are hit with every day. Crosby Noricks of Fast Company makes the case to "think like a publisher" by referencing an Instagram photo that reads, "I'll be interested, if you’ll be interesting." That's the voice of our readers asking us for a reason to … [Read more...]
Content With Purpose: Ready, Set, Action!
What defines quality content? Does it communicate clearly? Does it attract new users? Does it engage current users? It can and should do all those things, but to what end? Ultimately, content should inspire action. On Meet Content, we talk a lot about purposeful content — goal-driven content for users and publishers alike. I think that's an idea most people can buy into. However, when you start talking about user actions, content contributors … [Read more...]