If you follow the web marketing world, you’ve likely seen an increasing number of infographics linked around. They’ve become a very hip content type: vertical images jam-packed with iconography and statistics explaining anything from the growth of mobile to storytelling to, well, infographics. Forget viral videos -- we need a viral infographic! Closely tied to the rise of infographics is the prevalence of data visualization, as we become more … [Read more...]
Seeing is Believing
"Show, don't tell" is a tried and true adage for storytelling. But as UK video journalist Adam Westbrook points out, many stories that purport to be visual "[let] the words lead the way, dragging pictures along behind them." Westbrook challenges us to explore truly visual storytelling, where words are not required to understand the message being conveyed. He offers us some tips on how to accomplish this. There are a huge number of tools we can … [Read more...]
Packaging Is More Important Than Content (Without Context, That is)
A clever video by book publisher Dorling Kindersley, The Future of Publishing, is the perfect conclusion to a week spent talking about transmedia storytelling and content delivery. If we've learned anything this week, it's that context is key to creating relevant content and clear messaging. Oh, and books are dead and boring. Right? This is the end of publishing and books are dead and boring no longer can it be said that we like to … [Read more...]
13 Tips for a Good Interview (and Thus, a Great Story)
Sometimes, finding a good story isn’t the problem. You could be innocently sitting at your desk, sneaking in a play on Facebook Scrabble, when you get a new email. Why, it’s from the academic dean, and he just wanted to let you know about this student who is not only first chair trombone in the local symphony orchestra, but has also not allowed a goal in net all season as the lacrosse team’s goalie and has logged 250 hours of community service … [Read more...]