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Content Strategy as Problem Solving
How many times has someone come to you and asked, “Can you make me a video?” or “Can you help me create this email newsletter?” or “We need a website, can you do this?” What do these requests have in common? In each instance, the requestor is leading with the solution, rather than articulating the problem. You might ask, why a video? What are you trying to communicate, and to whom? Is a video the best content type to support your message? … [Read more...]
Make Change: Host Your Own Content Strategy Conference
The following guest post was written by Laura D'Amelio, senior content developer for the Division of Students at York University, in Toronto, Canada Do you ever listen in to someone else’s conversation at lunch or while in line to grab a coffee on campus? Maybe you’ve heard the phrases “do more with less” and “wear multiple hats” often, like I do. My job hasn’t been so different – although originally hired as a writer, my content team and I … [Read more...]
Power to the People at Confab Higher Ed
What happens when you bring more than 350 higher ed content professionals together? Amazing things — lots of knowledge sharing, a renewed sense of purpose, and a Bill Murray sighting. Confab Higher Ed, held November 11-12 in Atlanta, Georgia, has come to pass. But those who attended the inaugural event are still chewing on all the food for thought shared by speakers and attendees alike. Check out our recaps of sessions from day one and day … [Read more...]
Confab Higher Ed 2013: Session Recaps, Day 2
From November 11-12, more than 350 individuals representing more than 170 institutions gathered in Atlanta for the inaugural Confab Higher Ed. Alaina Wiens of the University of Michigan-Flint and Meg Bernier of St. Lawrence University share their recaps from some of the 33 speakers who shared content strategy knowledge at the event. Keynote: "Five Ways Digital Strategy Can Drive Excellence in Collaborative Content" with Perry Hewitt “Good … [Read more...]