Last week, we talked about content and community in higher education. What is the role of content in online community management? What are the challenges and opportunities? Some smart higher ed community managers chimed in to share their thoughts on these questions and others. Today, I'd like to dig a little deeper. I reached out to Jenny Mackintosh from Boston University to learn how she and other BU Marketing & Communications staff … [Read more...]
Thinking Strategically About Facebook Content
Last week, higher ed new media communication specialist Alaina Wiens wrote about how recent changes to the Facebook Newsfeed are affecting user engagement. As Facebook tightens their grip on the algorithm that prioritizes when and where posts are seen, social media content creators are scrambling to figure out the requirements for successful Facebook engagement. Wiens reminds us that it's more important than ever to have a strategy. Facebook is … [Read more...]
The Future of Content Strategy In Five Minutes
Last week I attended and had the pleasure of speaking at the Content Strategy Forum in London. It was an amazing conference chock-full of web content professionals helping to move the industry forward. One of my favorite moments of the event was a series of "lightning talks"—by Shelly Wilson, Matthew Grocki, Nicole Jones, and Sara Wachter-Boettcher—discussing the future of content strategy. Each of them crammed tons of … [Read more...]
Higher Ed Takeaways From Confab 2011: The Content Strategy Conference
Last week Meet Content attended Confab: The Content Strategy Conference. We joined web content professionals from around the world to talk content and eat cake. (Seriously, our host Brain Traffic was not kidding when they said the days of content and cake were coming — the subsequent sugar highs were not just metaphorical.) To our delight, higher ed was well represented (check out our higher ed Confab Twitter list). In fact, organizers … [Read more...]