Reinventing News on Your University Website

Two weeks ago at HighEdWeb, I gave a presentation entitled Carrying the Banner: Reinventing News on Your University Website. This session won the Red Stapler for Best of Track (Content), as well as Best of Conference honors. Thanks, HighEdWeb, for the opportunity to present and the tremendous honor! You can watch the full session online, thanks to Higher Ed Live, or read a recap, thanks to LINK. What follows is an elaboration on some of the key … [Read more...]

Content Takeaways from HighEdWeb 2011

Last week, we traveled to Austin, TX, for HighEdWeb 2011, one of the most eagerly anticipated events on our calendar. We were excited to present on making quality content count with web analytics (Rick) and reinventing news on your university website (Georgy, who received a Red Stapler and Best of Conference honor for the session). While the content track was held on the hotel’s top floor — “closest to heaven,” as many put it — we gleaned … [Read more...]

SEO Copywriting for Content Contributors

Search engines such as Google are one of the primary ways people find our websites and the content they seek. As such, it's very important to be mindful of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices so that we enable search engines — and the people using them — to find and discover our web content. People often consider SEO to be a content editing task — something you hand-off to a specialist. The reality is that SEO is an important part of … [Read more...]

The Future of Public Relations in Higher Ed

The field of public relations is in flux. Technology makes it easier for us to directly connect with our audiences. The barriers to creating content types beyond the press release are lower than ever before. And the social web has redefined everything we thought we knew about communication. Given this landscape, what is the role of a higher ed media relations professional in the 21st century? I think these changes indicate that the power to … [Read more...]

Content as Customer Service

When we craft our flashy admissions viewbooks, statement videos and feature stories, we hope they will cultivate “warm fuzzies.” Whether the goal is to get an alumna to donate or a student to apply, tapping that emotional core is critical to influencing behavior. But sometimes, the quickest path to making a connection can be found simply by being helpful. Good customer service can be our best marketing, and our web content is on the front line … [Read more...]